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So I was thinking the round hollow hole through my upper chest was so bizarre, and waiting for some kind of explanation to arrive about it. Which I still don’t have, by the way. But I chanced on something I had utterly forgotten about from nearly two years ago on this blog. How interesting the shape-symbolism is so similar!

from Dec 2011:

When I finished the chakras and returned to IG … I realized I was in this big corrugated metal tunnel. The kind like run under some city streets, they are about 10′ diameter. I could see a lot of natural daylight at the other end, but no ground, and almost hear voices, so I walked through it, and came out stepping down to the wide ledge area of a cliff face. Straight down was a perfect circle (like the tunnel) that seemed to go into infinity perhaps, very deep canyon. … The Four were there. As people. I mean… without the awe (mostly). The equivalent of wearing blue jeans and lounging around. So… so… NORMAL. That was novel! … I hung with the four until we merged, and then IG and I looked out over the landscape and I told her I thought this was a good symbolic landscape also — I’d realized that the unbelievably gorgeous, perfect, azure blue sky slightly around and all above us, and the incredibly diverse array of rich, living greens around us and below, and the circle/zero of the tunnel and the canyon right where I showed up, and the seemingly perfect pyramid shape in the distance… this was basically the “other area” of the chakra gem world (the ‘unchakra’ as I call it, in the upper chest), except actually perceived this time. The place between the heart and the throat chakras, where the Four centered in me. Where the symbolism comes across with various zero/nothingness stuff, over time.

I had assigned the perfectly round tunnel, which was totally open at each side, a relationship to the zero or nothingness because of its shape (the 0) and its nature (empty). However I don’t think I ever expected this to be nearly as LITERAL as it seems to be in my body now.